Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Back Cover - Hilarious?

I found the back cover art to be funny - probably a little bit of a surprise to some readers here. But come on - you gotta admit you smiled a little bit, right?

Now I'm not sure that quoting Mohammed was a good idea - some folks make take offense and response negatively. But Abraham talking about having a BLT??? HA! And book burning parties - that's comedy.

The creativity alone should have impressed you - and it leads me to wonder about the content even more.

Thoughts / comments?

1 comment:

Thom said...

It occurs to me that you might point out that Abraham probably did eat pork, since it wasn't forbidden until after the Exodus from Egypt. (See the rules of what can and can't be eaten in Leviticus.) But, for the sake of a joke, it sounded funny, so I ran with Abe lamenting that he never had a BLT.