Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ape shall not kill Abe!

I digress from the standard entries to take a moment to remember Charlton Heston. A favorite actor of mine and my brother the Atheist, we'll miss him. Of course we loved him in all apocalyptic movies he made: Planet of the Apes, Omega Man, Soylent Green. Quotes from these movies and others permiate our communications and have for years. "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!" Just sitting around some days one of us will pop off with some reference that our wives will cringe over.
And he was the voice of God. We grew up watching the Ten Commandments every Easter - it was how we learned a lot about the bible, watching Chuck transform from a pretty boy Egyptian to a studly yet dirty Jewish slave. My brother the Atheist personalized my copy of his book with quote from Planet of the Apes, and he refers to the Ten Commandments in the text. If you haven't seen these movies you should buy them today at or get them from Netflix! Is it interesting that he was both a man who made all of those movies related to God and scripture, and he also was the face of how humans will be destroying the earth during the 60's and 70's? Of course he also was the face of the NRA for a lot of years, which was very sad to me - I couldn't ever get on board with his "we should all be allowed to own guns" rhetoric. Yes people, I'm a Christian who believes the NRA is a waste of time and that the gun lobby is evil. Write it down, print it out, and of course feel free to send me hate mail. Guns are bad, people with guns can be bad, and mixing the two together is not a good idea!!

We'll miss you Chucky - and I guess they will have to pry that gun from your cold dead hands!

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